Friday, April 27, 2012

{this moment}

Inspired by SouleMama:

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Good Haul

So after my not so great morning yesterday (see yesterday's post) I decided after I dropped one set of twins off that I didn't want to go home. So I headed out to Goodwill to see if I could find any treasures.  I have recently found inspiration for a new nightstand in my bedroom and I'm looking high and low to find a piece that I can rework to fit my vision so I dragged the 4 remaining girls across town to the only thrift store that I haven't checked in the past week.  No luck on the night stand front but I did find a few things.

I also found a cute little owl that didn't make it into this picture.  So after years of picking up treasures and then not doing anything with them I have a rule that if I bring it into the house it has to have a home.  So I got to work when I got home the little pail got a chalkboard label and is now the home of lost board game and puzzle pieces.

Please excuse my bad penmanship I forgot to write on it before I put the label on.

The coffee pot fits in my beloved Starbucks Barista coffee maker so when we have lots of people over I can keep the coffee coming.  Then I went to put the pink bag away (I'm going to use it for a knitting bag) and I noticed that there was something in one of the pockets...

There was $21 dollars in the pocket! I called the store and asked what I should do and the lady was really nice and told me that because I found it after I bought the bag it was mine! So I took the kids out for a treat after dinner, and get this the tab was $20.66 it was totally meant to be! (B was working late across the sound so he couldn't come but he's not a big fan of fro-yo anyways.) 

I have no idea why Sarah is making this face, I swear she was having fun.

All in all I think it was a good haul.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I am really frustrated with my kids right now and I'm not sure what to do about it.  They seem to have an attitude that everything is disposable.  It doesn't seem to bother them when something breaks or is ruined because "we can just get a new one" said with a shrug and a look like "duh mom".  And part of me thinks they are right they are just things, but the other part of me, the one that knows that there isn't money to get a new one and that I saved to get that one is livid that they could be so callus about all the hard earned money and time and effort that it took to get it.  We don't have a lot but we do have our house and it feels like my kids are bound and determined to destroy it bit by bit.  I don't want to burden my kids with out financial issues, I don't want them to stay up nights worrying like I do but I want them to appreciate what they are given and what they earn and I want them to take care of what they have.  I know that I'm venting to the air right now but I just don't know what else to do.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Baby Bonanza!

There is a baby explosion going on right now and amazingly it doesn't include me this time! There are two babies due at church right now and one at work and I just learned that another girl at work is adopting the twin baby girls she's been fostering for the last few months. Phew I'm tired just typing all that, needless to say my needles have been busy. Lucky for me baby things are small and fun to knit. I've got 2 sweaters done for the church babies but as usual they need to be finished with the ends sewn in and buttons sewn on.  The sweater for the work baby is on a tight deadline though as her shower is this weekend. So while all the girls are upstairs playing I am mainlining coffee and knitting like a mad woman.  With work and baseball and softball this is a busy week already so lets see if I can pull this off too!