Saturday, November 9, 2013

One Day

One day I'm going to look back on these days and long for the sweet moments childhood.  One day I'll fondly remember when if I didn't get at least 3 loads of laundry done a day I was behind.  One day I'll laugh about how it felt like we were bursting at the seams in this house that isn't small but is very full.  One day I'll shake my head at the days like yesterday when it felt like from the moment my alarm went off (at 6:00 ugh!) to the time my head hit the pillow after midnight it seems the only time that I got a chance to sit down was in the van while I was shuttling kids hither and yon.  One day...

First day of school.
I only pray that I'm taking enough notice now.  I find myself slowing down with Ellie, she's my last baby and I know it.  I know that these moments that are slipping away won't happen again.  I see it in Maggie who is going to quit ballet after the Nutcracker this year, I won't see her perform (in this way at least) again.  I see it so many ways with all of them as they grow into their own selves and the babies and little kids that they were slip away.  It is good, I want them to grow, and learn new things and to conquer the world but I miss my babies and it makes me sad that they are gone.

And the silly shot.
This is a lot of drivel but these thoughts keep running in my head so now they are here and I'm going to go finish painting the kids bathroom. I'll share pictures later it's turning out really good.

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